Why Choose Higham Lane Sixth Form?
Inspired In The Pursuit Of Excellence
Our goal is to develop confident, independent-minded and articulate young adults. We would like you to experience the warm welcome that Higham Lane Sixth Form offers and to show you how you can flourish academically and socially in our Sixth Form. We focus on students as individuals and believe that an educated person is more than a set of qualifications. Our Sixth Form offers an extensive range of academic courses, as well as many extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities. The friendly, dedicated and studious environment is coupled with a strong community spirit, allowing students to meet new people and establish lasting friendships.
Whilst our Sixth Form is based on the same site as our main school, there are clear differences. It has its own exclusive Sixth Form Centre in a separate area from the main school. Our students tell us that they feel they benefit from the very best aspects of the school –excellent teaching, pastoral support and enrichment, whilst being treated like young adults in their own exclusive college setting. Sixth Formers take on greater responsibility for their own learning and they play a unique part in the life of the Sixth Form, combining the increased independence and new opportunities available at Post-16 with being a known and valued part of a wider school community.
Sixth Form students enjoy the benefits of a ‘college’ routine in terms of freedom to plan their own learning, while reaping the benefits of a school Sixth Form through effective individual support from staff who know them exceptionally well and excellent teaching standards. The Sixth Form has an active social life. Trips, fundraising events and competitions are organised by the Sixth Form Student Union, who ensure that life in the Sixth Form is vibrant, happy and busy. The Sixth Form Centre contains a variety of specialist study facilities including laboratories and extensive ICT provision. The Centre has a large communal area for study and socialising and a café that is open for students throughout most of the day, as well as flexible teaching spaces that open up to form larger areas when required. There is wheelchair access to both floors and a dedicated lift to support this.
“Students show exceptional attitudes to learning and are keen to achieve their best. There is a highly positive atmosphere.” (OFSTED)
Outstanding Learning For All
Our A-Level students’ timetables are designed to meet the requirements of each individual learner. Most students
choose to follow a programme of three subjects in Year 12, although a few select four. The timetable is structured around the combination of courses students have chosen. Students are required to retake Mathematics or English Language if they have not secured a 4 in either at GCSE. We deliver a wide range of A-Levels taught by expert staff with an ongoing commitment to quality and excellence. Our staff are always willing to go the extra mile to provide additional support where needed. Well-developed tracking, monitoring and target setting systems ensure that students and parents/carers know how well they are doing and understand how they can progress further. There is a strong focus on skills development, independent study and in-depth learning. In addition to taught lessons, students are expected to undertake additional reading and research into each chosen course. Academic Tutors and teachers are also available to advise on references and wider reading. Students follow a bespoke careers programme over the two years. This ensures positive outcomes for all. We have strong links with universities, training providers and employers. The majority of our students will progress to Higher Education with regular admissions to Oxbridge and a high proportion to Russell Group universities. Other progression routes will include apprenticeships, employment and school leaver programmes. Students’ achievements, both during and after their time at Higham Lane Sixth Form, benefit from our system of target setting. Students are actively involved in the process of setting their targets and monitoring progress towards them. Where students are not meeting their targets or achieving expected results, they work with
their Academic Tutor and their subject teachers on an action plan to improve their performance. This may involve additional work supported by teachers outside of lessons, as well as attendance at additional compulsory study lessons. We are honest and realistic in our evaluation, because we are committed to ensuring each student reaps the maximum reward from these crucial two years.
The ‘Edge’
Enrichment time in the Sixth Form provides opportunities for students to engage in a wide range of extra-curricular
activities. At Higham Lane Sixth Form we encourage all students to make the most of what’s on offer. Our Enrichment Programme offers an outstanding range of activities such as studying units from courses provided
by universities; playing sports; taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme; performing in a drama
production or musical group; helping in lower school lessons and other opportunities such as learning First Aid. We also provide support for students who are considering applying for Oxbridge, Medicine, Law and Nursing. Alongside our range of planned activities, students will have the opportunity to start their own societies. The Sixth Form Student Union is an open student-run forum where anyone can voice their opinions in a trusting and supportive environment. This important body works closely with staff to continuously improve the Sixth Form for everyone. In addition to our Enrichment Programme, we offer a number of subject study visits and experience days. Higham Lane School has a strong tradition of sporting achievement which we have extended into the Sixth Form. All these opportunities will allow you to have the ‘Edge’ when applying to your Post 18 destination.
Safe In the Knowledge
In addition to the high-quality teaching, the Sixth Form Team and Academic Tutors support students in realising their potential through strong pastoral, careers and academic support. We understand that every student is different, requiring a personalised approach and individual guidance so that their personal and academic goals can be achieved. A strong sense of mutual respect between staff and students lies at the heart of everything we do. Higham Lane’s academic success builds on an excellent care and guidance system with a supportive atmosphere that enables students to cope successfully with the inevitable stresses of Sixth Form life whilst also having an enjoyable time. Students are assigned to a tutor group with a specialist Academic Tutor who will provide individual support and guidance throughout the two years. Our tutorial system ensures that new students joining the Sixth Form make a smooth transition and quickly settle in. In addition to this, our Sixth Form students have many leadership opportunities where they can develop a range of skills and play a key role in the life of the whole school. Weekly tutorials inform students of key issues and facilitate personal development through careers, health and citizenship education. Each student has a regular tutorial with his or her tutor to discuss academic progress. These tutorials are at the heart of our system of pastoral care and allow the tutors to offer a high level of support to our students. Speakers from businesses, the care sector and higher education institutions amongst others are invited to present and share information during this time.
“Students have a thirst for knowledge and an eagerness to learn that create a highly positive atmosphere for learning. Students set themselves high expectations of engagement and participation in lessons” (OFSTED)
What do our Sixth Form students say about us.
‘I enjoy being at Higham Lane Sixth Form. I made the right choice.’ Natasha K
‘A very focussed and independent environment to learn in.’ Abigail E
‘There is always support from teachers as they know you well as individuals.’ Jack Gu
‘The Sixth Form encourages independence with excellent support. Enrichment offers so many opportunities.’ Lauren B
‘There is always a positive attitude in the Sixth Form.’ Jessica P
‘All the facilities are well equipped to meet the demands of my learning’. Chris B
‘As an external student, everyone was warm and welcoming towards me. This is a great motivating atmosphere to learn in’. Olivia C
‘I feel empowered’. George C
Sixth Form Welcome
Why Choose Higham Lane Sixth Form?
Exams and Performance
Managing examination anxiety
Remote Learning
School Policies
Sixth Form Bursary
Sixth Form Day Timings
Term Dates
Year 13 Destinations
Virtual 360 Tour
Year 12 Experience Day 2024
Year 12 Parents Information Presentation
Year 13 Information Evening