Sixth Form Bursary
The Higham Lane School 16-19 Bursary Fund 2024/25
The deadline for submission of applications is 30th September 2024.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a scheme to help students facing financial hardship to continue in full-time education after Year 11. Students who can apply for are:
- Those who have been UK residents for at least 3 years.
- Those on courses for further education (full and part time).
- Students aged under 19 on 31 August in the academic year in which they start their course.
- Discretionary funding – the family is in receipt of benefits or the family income is less than £27,500 a year. Funding is subject to availability.
If a student is over 19, he/she could also receive a bursary if either:
- He/she is continuing on a course started aged 16-19 (a ‘19+ continuer’).
- He/she has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
A bursary can be used to pay for things like:
- Clothing, books and other equipment for your course.
- Transport and Lunch on days you study.
Payment will be made by BACS into a student’s bank account half-termly in arrears and on a pro-rata basis. If a student does not have a bank account, he/she will need to open one in order to receive their bursary. Payments are dependent on student attendance, conduct and a positive attitude to learning. Students and parents/guardians must complete a declaration that information presented is correct before any payments are made. The Head of Sixth Form will be responsible for deciding who receives the awards based on the criteria here. The Bursary Fund is given to the school each year by the ESFA (Education and Skills Funding Agency). Once these monies have been allocated, the school will be unable to make further grants until the new academic year.
If a student is unhappy with the outcome of their application, appeals should be made in the first instance to the Head of Sixth Form.
The Scheme comprises two parts:
A VULNERABLE BURSARY, of up to £1,200.00 per academic year for those most in need of financial support:
- young people in care.
- care leavers.
- those receiving Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financial supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner.
- receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right.
The bursary for vulnerable groups can pay up to £1,200 per year to a student participating on a study programme that lasts for 30 weeks or more. Students on study programmes of less than 30 weeks should be paid on a pro-rata amount.
A DISCRETIONARY BURSARY, available for students in need of financial support with specific costs to enable them to stay in education. Eligibility for a Discretionary Bursary is based on household income (verified by Tax Credit awards or a P60 where household income is £27,500 or less. Students will receive a contribution towards the cost of travel, to buy essential books, equipment, specialist clothing or to support with educational trips.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund Application Form can be obtained from Mrs. Smith in Sixth Form Reception. Applications should also be submitted to Mrs. Smith.
The School must obtain proof that students are eligible for a bursary. Examples of evidence are:
- for students, who are in care or a care leaver, written confirmation of their current or previous looked-after status from the relevant local authority
- for students in receipt of Income Support, a copy their Income Support award notice
- for students in receipt of Universal Credit, a copy of their Universal Credit award Notice
- for students receiving Universal Credit/Employment and Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payments, a copy of their Universal Credit claim from Department of Work and Pensions. (UC claimants should be able to print off details off their award from their online account). Evidence of receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independent Payment must also be provided
Eligibility: discretionary bursaries
For the Discretionary Bursary this should include evidence of benefits/allowances/grants and household income (e.g. Universal Credit award notices, P60 etc). Students whose applications are received before 30th September will receive payments backdated to the beginning of the Autumn Term. Those whose applications are received after that date will receive payments from the date that their applications are approved. Weekly payments will be accrued based on full attendance, good conduct and a positive attitude to learning and paid half-termly in arrears. The application will cover the 2023/24 Academic Year. Students should reapply in the Summer Term for the following year.
Please note that funds are strictly limited. However, all applications will be reviewed and awards made according to need as far as possible.
Please click on the link below for an Application Form
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