Media release from Higham Lane School regarding 2020 A level results

On Thursday 13th August, students in Year 13 in Higham Lane Sixth Form will receive the results of their A level qualifications and their Level 3 Cambridge Technical qualifications. Unlike other years, the grades they receive this year will not be based upon their performance in examinations.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, final examinations did not take place this year. Instead, Ofqual, the regulatory body for educational qualifications, has instructed the awarding bodies – the exam boards – to issue calculated grades. The calculation uses school predictions, our school’s recent results and national data. The diagram below summarises this process. The process aims to ensure results in 2020 are comparable to previous years. This may mean students not receiving the grades they would have expected based on their performance in school internal assessments. Any student who does not feel that their final calculated grade from the relevant awarding body reflects their efforts and application in a specific subject, will have the opportunity to sit exams in that subject in autumn 2020. The Government has also introduced the possibility of students being able to appeal to the relevant awarding body to use a valid mock result instead of the grade the awarding body has awarded them. We are awaiting further details on this process.
Given this unique situation, we will not be sharing our school’s 2020 A level results or highlighting individual student performances in the way we normally would. Our focus at this time will be on supporting our students and doing everything we can to ensure that they progress to their next stage of education, training or employment. Advice, information and guidance is available to each of our Year 13 by contacting
We would like to say a huge well done to all of our Year 13 students for all their hard work and commitment. It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with them. We wish them well for the future.